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Comment of the Day: Im In Ur Govmint, Denyin Ur Ritez [We Read You]

Today we looked at pictures of a gay politician who likes to pretend he isn't gay. But then he gets arrested with a Trick in his car and ooohhhh, girl. One of you told us a similar story.

The fittingly-named crushlovepanic tells us a tale of Cristian woe:

I had the misfortune of spending a week in Miami (long story) with a young closeted couple who were both deeply entrenched in the Florida political scene, had been actively involved at a pretty high level with the McCain/Palin campaign, worked for Giuliani during the fast-burning fiasco that was that, and served under many other apparently notable Republican leaders I didn't know or very much care to. Anyway, we found ourselves at an all-male private party in a hotel room where several GOPers of varying age in all their Brooks Brothered pant pleated glory spent the better part of a Saturday night bitching nonsensically about Obama as they did mountains of blow and flirted with twinky escorts. One of these young rethugs gave me a long coke-induced diatribe about the gay republican circuit being this secret fraternity that was, believe it or not, exclusive! The holy grail of self-hating homos for who gorging on cock in taxpayer-funded hotel suites was a drama-free weekend hobby, and weren't they so lucky that they didn't have to worry about coming out or never having a wife and kids and good Christian shit like that.

So I know big news right? I'm forever-naive so the whole scene shocked the hell out of me, but anyway, what astounded me more that just the blatant hypocrisy on display was how willfully ignorant these bags of fuck were. When I asked my friends (after several vodka sodas (and I'm using "friends" loosely here)) how they could devote their careers to actively ruining the lives of gay people, they just shrugged. So steeped in denial and self-hatred, they couldn't for the life of them comprehend the morally bankrupt hypocrisy of their actions.


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