It's always nerve-wracking having company over. Is the house clean enough? Will we have enough food? When will they get here? Will they show at all ? Like a good party, it's going to be a blast watching Jersey Shore together. As you might have heard the king and queen of Seaside Heights, Sammi and Ronnie, are scheduled to be joining us tonight. I've set up commenter accounts, so they should be all ready to go. Now we just have to wait for them to get here. Ho hum...what's taking you guys so long? While we wait, I'll explain what this whole shindig is all about. We're all going to watch Jersey Shore , the most important sociological study of our time, together on MTV. The show starts at 10pm, but in the hour before, we'll just be hanging out in the room sharing tanning tips and trading ham recipes. If you'd like to join in or make a comment about the show, type your message in the box below and press the share button. Then everyone can see it and...