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Showing posts from July 7, 2013

The people's Liberation Army East held live-fire drills include Island capture subjects

Moderator:  in July 11th the  Chinese  people's Liberation Army  conducted live-fire exercises in  the East China Sea  is located in the  North West ,  exercises  the Diaoyu islands . Explanation:  according to the Ningbo  Maritime Bureau issued a  notice to Mariners  No. 9 ,  area of the East China Sea and  the actual use of  weapons training  specific  time has been determined ,  for hours of July 11, 2013 to  18,  in the following  waters within  firing exercise .  The actual use of weapons training  period,  to prohibit any  ships into  the waters ,  and subject to  site alert  ship  command .  From the map view ,  the area  is located in the  northwest of  the Diaoyu islands .  According to the previous  record of  the East China Sea  exercises ,  this exercise  is very likely the  airsea battle , including  coral reefs ,  mastery of the air  and  sea  battle .

The news that China stealth drone attack has been successful first flight

Explanation:  in fact  in  the United States of America  X47B UAV  in May this year  for the first time  the aircraft takes off the  occasion,  human  development  from the  development of the news  without  china .  News that  is called the  sword  of Chinese  stealth drone  attack  flight  success ,  according to the network  exposure photographs  have pointed out,  the UAV  using a  flying wing configuration ,  and  the United States of America 's  X48B ,  France's  stealth drone  identical neurons .  In addition ,  the UAV  loading  surface presents  a triangle,  to reduce  import  and  nacelle  height ,  is very beneficial to the  anterior  and lateral  stealth . But the analysis  thinks at the same time ,  the  key  is to solve unmanned  stealth  pneumatic  integration ,  to promote efficient  and automatic  target search and  precision strike and other key  technology . Li Xiaojian :  UAV  as the future direction of development  of the  aviation ,  we also  follow closel


中国古代女性如何自慰呢?作者竟然以为这是自己的独创,真是孤陋寡闻到可笑。这样的自慰方法,几百年前的靓女已经使用了,古籍《玉房秘诀》写得清清楚楚:"或以粉内阴中,……为男茎而用之",说的正是古代女性用布囊实粉进行自慰。  以前网上看过一个贴子,作者洋洋自得介绍一个说是拥有"完全专利"的自慰方法:往安全套塞入奶粉,直到满意硬度后打上死结,推进自己阴道,再贴上一片卫生棉,穿上紧身内裤,就可以随时随地整天自慰。 中国古代女性如何自慰呢?作者竟然以为这是自己的独创,真是孤陋寡闻到可笑。这样的自慰方法,几百年前的靓女已经使用了,古籍《玉房秘诀》写得清清楚楚:"或以粉内阴中,……为男茎而用之",说的正是古代女性用布囊实粉进行自慰。 当然,堂堂中华文化博大精深,在女性自慰这个领域,除了布囊实粉这样自制的简陋工具外,自然还有很多很多精巧的物件可用。对于这些特制物件,明清艳情小说多有描述,千奇百怪,十分有意思。 先说角先生,一种类似男性阴茎的自慰器,有龟棱,刻有螺纹,中空,可注水加温。清朝性教育读本《肉蒲团》第十五回写到:"是个极大的角先生,灌了一肚滚水,塞将进去"。 那时,角先生可以当街当巷公开售卖,就像现在的成人用品店,清朝《林兰香小说》写过:"……角先生之制尤为工妙,闻买之者或老媪或幼尼",生意倒兴旺得很,一些老婆婆和小尼姑竟是此物的至爱用家。 形似男性阴茎的还有一种叫广东人事,《竹林野史》描写得很详细:其长四五寸,先用热水浸泡,使其慢慢发硬,然后以绳束其根部,并以绳的两端绑在脚跟上,动其双脚,以手助其出入吐纳。 操作复杂了一点,但效果应该很不错。只是,李明明一直弄不明白,此物之名为何有广东二字?是广东人发明?是广东人用得多?是首先从广东传入,……这个问题不解决,真是委屈了广大广东同胞。 最特别的一种,名字叫缅铃。《金瓶梅》记载,此物大小犹如乒乓球,放入阴道能够滚动、振动,极大地制造酥麻以增强快感。《绣榻野史》描述过寡妇麻氏用缅铃自慰的情景,"拿到边上,顺了那湿滑口儿,一下欺进去……缅铃在里头乱滚,麻氏一发快活当不得。……,弄得麻氏遍身酥痒,忍不住,把脚一动",到达性高潮了。 这个东西据说来自缅甸,所以叫缅铃,明人笔记记载&q


    我跟我老公是2007年认识的,那时候我还没有跟我前任男朋友分手,他也没有跟他女朋友分手。2008年8月我们同时跟对方分手了,那时候我们就像无话不说的蓝颜知己。我的性格比较外向,开朗,他比较内向!他跟他女朋友有什么问题都跟我说,而我有什么问题也跟他说!后来我们开始拍拖了,几个月后我发现怀孕了,当时我就只想要个孩子而已,他妈妈就说要孩子就必须结婚,他也不怎么想要孩子,他跟他姐姐也劝我拿掉!后来我们在争吵之中结婚了,结婚的那天晚上家里吵架到凌晨3点多,他姐姐打电话说我们不该结婚,还给他继父说他又不是你亲生的儿子,我老公可是你亲女婿什么的!弄的我哭了一晚上。而我老公却没有一句话!我老公打电话跟他的所有朋友说,我是逼他结婚的,用孩子逼他的!     2009年10月份,孩子快生了,他们家里每天都在吵闹,从我进他们家门后他们家从来没有间断的出事儿!就在我坐月子的时候,我老公的前任女朋友回来了,我老公跟她约会吃饭,还送她回家,后来被我发现,我弄清楚了事情。我叫我老公回来看孩子,他说没时间,结果还请假去陪她。坐月子我们就闹三次离婚,我婆婆直接说的就是离婚就离婚,我儿子又不是娶不了媳妇!     自从孩子生了以后,我围着他家人,孩子还有他转了2年半,最近出来工作了,有时候应酬或者跟玩儿的好的姐妹出去逛逛,聊聊天什么的,他就吵的不行!经常发消息说你别回来了,你那么喜欢在外面的,要不就说我们不要过日子了,反正你喜欢在外面!有时候加个班,他也反对!有时候还对我大打出手,甩东西!最让我受不了的事他太自私了,他就希望我下班回来就在家里陪他,就是陪他坐着看他上网也可以!就希望我上班时间上班,下班时间回家就不让出门了,有时候出门遛狗他也不高兴。我经常都跟他说你休息也可以跟朋友去溜达溜达,去钓鱼什么的,他就说朋友要有利用价值的才结交,酒肉朋友不需要。他从来没有赞赏过我任何一个朋友,他一直都反对我跟我的朋友同事来往,有所交集什么的,他从来都不鼓励我做任何一件事情,每次工作他都是落井下石的那种!他也经常莫名其妙的发火,问他他也不说!      最可恶的是对我家人及其不尊重,结婚都3年了从来不给我爸爸妈妈打电话,我爸爸妈妈,还有小姨主动打电话都不接!而且经常在我身边说回我家感觉不舒服,他回以前女朋友的家感觉就像自己的家一样。我一年才回家一次,他跟他妈都说我回家太多,而且我妹妹放假来玩儿,我老

What do we want from live musicians?

ecently, Beck played a gig at London's Southbank  arts centre. Well, 'played' might be the wrong term  - he invited other artists to interpret songs from his 2012 album, Song Reader, which he released exclusively in sheet music form . He expressly asked the artists – who included Joan As Policewoman, Franz Ferdinand, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Pulp's Jarvis Cocker – to pull apart and reshape the songs as they wished. Four were read as poems, by poets. Beck himself played two songs; everyone performed Rough On Rats together. The audience came spilling out with smiles on their faces; the reviews were ecstatic. All agreed it was a fantastic, memorable gig. A few weeks before, at the Southbank once again, Peaches played a solo concert as part of Meltdown, the festival programmed this year by Yoko Ono. Those who came expected Peaches'  thang : sexual, energetic, audience-baiting, raucous. Instead, she appeared on an empty stage in a white leotard; a solo pianist played acc

US castigates Russia over NSA leaker Edward Snowden

The US has accused Russia of giving fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden a "propaganda platform". President Barack Obama called Vladimir Putin after Mr Snowden met human rights groups at a Moscow airport - his first appearance since fleeing there from Hong Kong three weeks ago. Mr Snowden has been charged with leaking classified US information. He says he is seeking asylum in Russia to be able to travel to Latin America where he has been offered refuge. But no request from Mr Snowden had arrived yet, the head of the Federal Migration Service, Konstantin Romodanovsky said on Saturday, according to Russian news agency Interfax. The former CIA contractor has been stuck in the transit area of Sheremetyevo airport - reportedly staying at the airport's Capsule Hotel - since arriving from Hong Kong on 23 June. 'Stop harming partners' Details of the phone conversation between the two presidents were not immediately available, but the White House confirmed the Sn

【骗术曝光台】武汉无业男装成低调高帅富 微信搭讪交8女友诈骗百万

    在酒吧打开微信,查找"附近的人",选择有钱的美女搭讪,一名无业男子伪装成"低调"的成功人士,2年间骗得8名女子"倒贴"100多万元。昨日,汉阳警方披露,本月8日将其从广西南宁押解回汉(如图),以涉嫌诈骗罪将其刑事拘留。 微信搭讪低调炫富 年纪轻轻的李瑶开了一家公司,精明能干。2011年的一天,她在汉口一家酒吧中招。 当时她在玩微信。一名帅哥走来:"我能加你好友吗?"加好之后就离开了。李瑶通过微信问:"你是干什么的?"男子自报名叫段凡:"做点小生意。" 李瑶又问。他说:"跟武钢和中钢有点生意。" 段凡很低调,问一句才答一句。几经追问,李瑶才知道这是个"有钱人":舅舅是银行行长,他自己有几个门面,还有个牙科诊所,有套豪华公寓,开丰田汉兰达越野车。 在他车上,李瑶看见一套高尔夫球杆。此后,段凡带着她出入高档会所、五星级酒店,花钱大方。李瑶坠入爱河。 她没想到,确定恋爱关系后,吃饭、购物都变成自己买单。段凡还总是借钱,自称是去帮领导办事、维护客户关系,"借"走25万元。 4名女友拆穿"高帅富" 钱被骗走,人也不见了。今年1月份,李瑶找到段凡在一元路的公寓,遇见另两名女子也在找段凡。3个女人明白上当了。 这时,房主张倩现身。原来,段凡是张倩的前男友,几年前借钱不还失踪。2011年,段凡开着"汉兰达"来找张倩租这套公寓,付了一个季度的房租。此后,段凡又找张倩借了5万元。张倩说:他像是真的发迹了。 几名女子建了QQ群,揭露段凡的真面目。她们发现,都曾到青山那家牙科诊所找过段凡,惹得诊所发火。 交8名女友"借钱"百万 2月份,她们向汉阳区永丰街派出所报案。警方调查发现,汉兰达越野车是贷款买的,后被放贷公司收回,段凡的生意均为虚构,"女友"还有4名。 6月30日,段凡在广西南宁被抓。他当时的女友陈琼是一名外企高管,不信自己的"爱人"是骗子,竟提出愿帮段凡还债。武汉民警7月7日赶到南宁后,将其他7名受害女子的情况说与她听,才将她震醒。 据查,段凡今年37岁,家住青山区,家境一般。中专毕业后开过贸易

At least 31 people dead in western China flooding

BEIJING (AP) — Floodwaters surging through Himalayan foothills in western China have swept bridges, houses and hillsides into roiling brown torrents, leaving at least 31 people dead and 166 missing Thursday, as heavy rains buffeted many parts of the country. Flooding in the western province of Sichuan was the worst in 50 years for some areas, with more than 220,000 people forced to evacuate. Nationwide, at least 46 people have died due to the violent weather since Sunday, according to figures from the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the official Xinhua News Agency. Thousands of homes have been destroyed or damaged and transportation has come to a virtual standstill in hard-hit areas. Many of the casualties in Sichuan were from a massive landslide that struck a scenic resort outside the city of Dujiangyan, killing 18 people and leaving 107 missing. An entire hillside collapsed onto clusters of holiday cottages where city dwellers escape summer heat, a survivor told Xinhua. "The noise

Brandi Glanville Has Had a Rough Week

It's just one of those days … or weeks … or months, for Brandi Glanville. The "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" cast member apparently broke her right hand taking a self-defense class on Wednesday. Naturally, Glanville shared a photo of the war wound on Twitter: Hand... Broken... Self defense class...not my month... — Brandi Glanville (@BrandiGlanville)  July 11, 2013 Brandi's broken hand (Twitter) What's more shocking is that this injury didn't come from the reality star's stumble on Monday night. LeAnn Rimes 's nemesis was a bit wobbly after a night of partying at The London Hotel in West Hollywood earlier this week, where a wardrobe malfunction caused the reality star to flash her black thong and a boob. A friend held onto Glanville, 40, before she completely toppled over. Obviously, the reality star had one too many drinks, but we'll let Glanville explain that one: I got drunk with my gays its not murder,,everyone kept