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Showing posts from February 7, 2010

Causing a Row [Pic Of The Day]

[ Kelly Osbourne, an unnamed friend, Charlotte Kemp Muhl , and Sean Lennon look like a bunch of sit-com extras in the front row at the Michael Angel show in Bryant Park today. Image via Getty ] Published by Original source :

Kreepie Kats Klassik: "Bill Clinton has heart palpitations the week of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue? No One Saw This Koming." [Kreepie Kats]

This week, Jim Behrle's kats komment with you a very happy Valentine's Day. Published by Original source :

Comments of the Week: Happy Valentine's, Here's Your Flowers or Chocolate or Whatever [The Commies]

Sunday is the most romantic day of your life. Today is the longest. Because it's almost the weekend and you want to get your drink on. So here, let's quickly award some top commenting prizes to five valuable players. grubish1 doesn't like the iPad : Apple is completely revolutionizing the way Americans ignore tablet computers. Arthur von Asinine knows all about Dan Choi's sleeping arrangements : There'd be much more chaos were he on the top bunk. Seeräuber Jenny gave the youngs good advice about talking to reporters : Many years ago, someone wanted to forward my sister's contact information to the New York Times. Supposedly, they were writing a"trend" story on well-educated people who were doing secretarial work. Now, obviously, there's nothing wrong with clerical work. But my sister, a very bright woman, had gone to an extremely good school. As happens to lots of people, after graduation, she was trying to find her way. Not being a trust f...

Cops Break Up Bushwick Trailer Park Hipster Hell [Shut Up Brooklyn]

Remember that hipster trailer park at the Brooklyn Nut Factory that everyone was talking about ? Well, the cops finally heard about it and they're none too happy. The evacuated the place this afternoon. Daily Intel reports that the New York Fire Department showed up last week to investigate a gas leak in one of the trailers and discovered the settlement, complete with artists, chickens, community gardens, and probably more Wolfmother CDs than anyone knows what to do with. They returned today and posted notices that everyone had to clear out of the property. Looks like there are going to be even more hipsters crashing on their friends' couches than usual in Brooklyn tonight. Published by Original source :

Changing the Hollywood Sign: Conservationists Succeed Where Ke$ha Failed [Sign Of The Times]

Remember when everyone thought Ke$ha wrote her name on the Hollywood sign ? Well, she didn't but some people trying to call attention to proposed development around the sign have. What are they trying to make it say? When it's done the sign will say "Save the Peak." Why? It's for the Save Cahuenga Peak movement which will keep the area to the immediate left of the sign from being developed and having four mansions built their the Trust for Public Land is trying to raise nearly $13 million to buy the 138 acre plot before April 14. This kind of sounds like the Goonies on a massive scale. Thanks to some celebrities and jewelry company Tiffany they're already half way to their goal. That's a whole lot of dollar signs, eh, Ke$ha? Maybe you should donate yours to the cause too. You can save the beauty of the view and stop annoying everyone who thinks having a symbol in the middle of your name if fucking $tupid. Published by Original source :...

Winter Olympian Dies During Training [The Olympics]

Nodar Muaritashvili , a luger from Georgia (the country, not the state) died after flying off the track during a training run today. Several other athletes were also injured on the track today. This does not bode well for competition. [ AP ] Published by Original source :