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Showing posts from November 6, 2011

“You Are Not So Smart” Powered by

"You Are Not So Smart" Powered by    阅读原文» The following interview is with David McRaney, creator of the blog You Are Not So Smart , and author of the recently published You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You’re Deluding Yourself. 1. Tell us what your blog and book are about. DAVID: You Are Not So Smart is a celebration of self delusion. One topic at a time, it explores how silly and irrational we all are through the lens of fascinating psychological studies. It started out as a blog just pointing out interesting things around that theme, but once I started gaining fans and saw my hits growing, I made the effort to write longer, more in-depth pieces about cognitive biases and other fun things. The book is an expanded version of the blog, similar in format. 2. What encouraged you to create a blog that celebrates self delusion? How has your life changed a...


                         行政工作统筹管理高级研修班 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 培-训-时-间:11月17-18日上海   11月19-20日深圳  11月26-27日北京 培-训-对-象:行政总监,行政经理,办公室主任,行政文员 培-训-费-用:¥2600元/人 含中餐,资料,合影,发票,茶点等 会-务-组-织:环球企业培训网 联-系-电-话:021-51619970 / 010-51299814 / 0755-61280709 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 课-程-背-景     ★ 如果您是一位企业管理者,没有专业尺度如何衡量行政工效?     ★ 如果您是一位行政负责人,欠缺专业工具如何自信面对员工?     ★ 如果您是一位文秘工作者,错过专业指导怎能获得职场晋升?        本课程将为您提供从理念到技能的全面训练,帮助您提高行政统筹管理的专业技 能,主动掌握工作节奏,有效控制行政成本,防范行政工作"黑洞" !课程将以国际通 用的职业标准为基础,结合老师多年海外留学、从业的经验, 加之其独到精深的讲解呈 现和训练点评的专业实力,对企业行政管理人员进行科学、专业、先进的系统化训练。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 课-程-大-纲 ★ 第一单元:行政管理人员的职业化之路与角色定位   一、行政管理与企业核心竞争力的关系      1、行政管理工作需要系统高度;      2、如何通过行政管理将成本最大限度的转化为资本?...

WPWebHost – WordPress Crazy Limited Offer (Free 6 Months VPS !!!)

WPWebHost � WordPress Crazy Limited Offer (Free 6 Months VPS !!!)    阅读原文» WPWebHost is offering a crazy limited offer of Free 6 Months VPS WordPress Hosting or a 50% discount off for Total Managed WordPress Hosting Rockstar VPS Plan (For first 20 signups only) VPS (Virtual Private Server) has become the preferred hosting solution for small to medium sized businesses. VPS is a solution that effectively bridges the gap between the limitations of shared hosting and the flexibility of dedicated server hosting. Our Total Managed WordPress Hosting comes with: Complete VPS administration 24×7 WordPress Savvy Technical Support Server Kernel and Control Panel Updates All Service Monitoring Hardware Maintenance and Replacement Security Patch Updates Complete Migration/Transfer VPS Image Snapshot All the features of Total Managed WordPress Hosting will be included in this new signup worth $25.00 for a limited time only. Enjoy the 50% discount benefits ...

WordPress 3.3 Beta 3 Available

WordPress 3.3 Beta 3 Available    阅读原文» Testers, Beta 3 is now available! You know the drill: use a test install, see what you can break, and report any bugs you find. There have been 200 commits since Beta 2, but at this point, betas are not adding new features — it’s all about fixing bugs, making things a little prettier, and editing text strings. As always, plugin and theme authors, PLEASE test your code against the beta so you can catch any incompatibilities now rather than after your users update their WordPress installation and find bugs for you. This time we really mean it, especially if your plugin uses jQuery. We’ve now updated to jQuery 1.7 in core, so please please pretty please check your plugins and themes against beta 3. These silly haikus – With so many releases, I run out of words. Download WordPress 3.3 Beta 3 now. 阅读更多内容 该邮件由 QQ邮件列表 推送。 如果您不想继续收到该邮件,可点此 退订 。


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