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Showing posts from December 4, 2011

WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 3

WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 3    阅读原文» The third (and hopefully final!) release candidate for WordPress 3.3 is now available. Since RC2, we’ve done a handful of last-minute tweaks and bugfixes that we felt were necessary. Our goal is to release version 3.3 early next week, so plugin and theme authors, this is your last pre-release chance to test your plugins and themes to find any compatibility issues before the final release. We’ve published a number of posts on the development blog that explain important things you need to know as you prepare for WordPress 3.3. Please review this information immediately if you have not done so already. If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. Or, if you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac . Known issues that crop up will be listed here , but let’s all keep our fingers crossed for a quiet Sunday so we can get these new features into your hands early next

Themefuse Original WordPress Themes Giveaway : Winner Announced

Themefuse Original WordPress Themes Giveaway : Winner Announced    阅读原文»   Our latest Tweet and Win Giveaway which we collaborated with Themefuse that was held on last November has ended. It’s time to announce the lucky winners for this game. We, WPWebHost team would like to congratulate the lucky 3 winners and they are: @affanruslan @dickvincedor @iheartcontest   Congratulations to this 3 lucky winners again and you will receive our email shortly for further details. To those who did not manage to win this giveaway, stay tuned as there will be next giveaway in a few days time and also there will be more surprises from WPWebHost. Thanks to all who participated this contest.   Follow us on Twitter or Like our Facebook page for more surprises and also exclusive giveaways.                 阅读更多内容 该邮件由 QQ邮件列表 推送。 如果您不想继续收到该邮件,可点此 退订 。

WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 2

WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 2    阅读原文» The second release candidate for WordPress 3.3 is now available! As the first release candidate was well-received, we think we’re really close to a final release. Primarily, we’ve ensured that new toolbar (the admin bar in 3.2) has a consistent appearance across all browsers, and the API for developers is now final. You can check our bug tracker for the complete list of changes . Plugin and theme authors, please test your plugins and themes now , so that if there is a compatibility issue, we can figure it out before the final release. On our development blog, we’ve published a number of posts that explain important things you need to know as you prepare for WordPress 3.3. If you haven't tested WordPress 3.3 yet, now is the time ― please though, not on your live site unless you're adventurous. Once you install RC2, you can visit About WordPress page (hover over the WordPress logo in the top left) to see an overview of what’s to com


unbecs6u 、沟通中有哪些因素影响客户是否与我们签单 ? 。废物!本来按照九尾灵狐的打算,摩西?凌风是应该去陪冥王喝茶 参加销 & 售 & 精 & 英 2 天 & 一 & 夜 & 疯 & 狂 & 训 & 练 &为您解决问题 一眼挡在面前的韩雪,嘴中传出一道冷喝,袖袍一挥,一股磅礴劲道


3l6hv2vr . 生产计划与销售业务链接流程 ◆准时生产计划 VS 市场业务部 VS 客户"三赢"规则 ,果然是好茶,那翠玉豆糕像是玲珑剔的翠玉一般,令人馋涎欲滴。 ◆中兴通讯销售计划 / 生产计划 / 物料计划接口职能图 / 资源图实例分析 的能量涌入静室,被吸入风旋之内,而风旋的体积,也是飞快的膨胀 ◆美的滚动周计划负荷分析和三天生产计划不能变职能图 的今天,不能成为一名修士几乎无论在哪个豪门贵族家庭都是耻辱的 ◆控制扦单、急单、补单 / 加单五种措施 -- 某公司 击,阿尔萨斯不得不再使三分死亡之力,叫身边盘旋的旋风更加强烈 ◆通过市场调查 / 信息反馈提高订单预测准确率三大做法 喧闹的广场,随着血袍人影的浮现,顿时间便是变得安静了许多,而 Did you receive this email? Please confirm

Did you receive the email copied here below sent to you last month? Please confirm good reception.    Cordially,   Martin Vermont I am Martin Vermont and I work for Multilingual Search Engine Optimization Inc. in Washington DC  (Tel: 1-202-558-2504). I would like to speak with the person in charge of your international clientele. Who is my contact? Who should I speak to?   In fact, after visiting , we have noticed that your website cannot be found on foreign search engines (I tested it on Hispanic search engines, German search engines, Asian search engines, etc.) Our company is specialized in multilingual search engine promotions in 28 languages. From the Japanese Google to the German Yahoo, from the AOL in Spanish to the MSN in Chinese, we can show you how to develop a true international online presence by promoting your website on foreign search engines.   I strongly suggest that you watch our online presentation which explains clearl