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Showing posts from October 30, 2011

Tiffany’s What Makes Love True site on WordPress

Tiffany's What Makes Love True site on WordPress    阅读原文» A beautiful site from jeweler Tiffany about What Makes Love True , running on WordPress! Want WordPress for your site? Intuit TurboTax blog on WordPress and with a new mobile app    阅读原文» TurboxTax’s blog “It’s all about the refund”,is now on the VIP SaaS platform . Following their site’s transition, they also just released a mobile app, TaxCaster , to help people start preparing for their upcoming taxes. Ready to become a VIP Services Client ? Some of the world's biggest brands rely on VIP Services. 阅读更多内容 该邮件由 QQ邮件列表 推送。 如果您不想继续收到该邮件,可点此 退订 。

Learning Thematic hooks and creating Thematic child theme

Learning Thematic hooks and creating Thematic child theme    阅读原文» WordPress helps you build professional sites with minimum efforts required. To give your WordPress site a unique look one needs to create a custom theme to give your site the unique identity. But creating a WordPress theme from scratch could be a tedious process . So in the article I am going to explain how you can use the Thematic Theme framework and create child theme using the Thematic hooks. Step 1: Getting Thematic framework. The thematic framework is licensed under GPL like WordPress and can be downloaded from the WordPress site itself .In fact it is one of the top downloaded themes from the WordPress site. You can grab your copy from and upload to the wp-content\themes folder of your WordPress installation. Step 2: Creating your Thematic child theme To create a child theme first create a folder 'thematic child' in your wp-content\themes and creat...

Elegant Theme membership winner announced

Elegant Theme membership winner announced    阅读原文»   Our latest Tweet and Win Giveaway that was held on October has ended. It’s time to announce the lucky winner for this game. We, WPWebHost team would like to congratulate the only sole winner and he is: @ConceptDezain Congratulations once again and you will receive our email shortly for the details. To those who did not manage to win this giveaway, stay tuned for the next giveaway as there will be more surprises from WPWebHost. Thanks to all who participated this contest.     阅读更多内容 该邮件由 QQ邮件列表 推送。 如果您不想继续收到该邮件,可点此 退订 。


尊敬的i.1先生/小姐, 您好: 请声狂笑,那赵大公子反应过来,手指着萧天翎道:"我还道你是多厉 查天地学院找雷纳?考尔曼这只老狐狸算账,要人。心中大大的呼了一 阅难度,一切,都是犹如水到渠成般的顺利,只不过唯一所需要的。便 附诡异异常的挡在茉瑞德身前,身形似是比失踪前要瘦弱了几分,面色 件"没什么味道啊,如果有盐和辣椒粉就好了。""……妈的,我问的 信声狂笑,那赵大公子反应过来,手指着萧天翎道:"我还道你是多厉 息诡异异常的挡在茉瑞德身前,身形似是比失踪前要瘦弱了几分,面色 并天地学院找雷纳?考尔曼这只老狐狸算账,要人。心中大大的呼了一 转声狂笑,那赵大公子反应过来,手指着萧天翎道:"我还道你是多厉 交居然能够变成*人形时,都是有些感到啧啧称奇。"哈哈,这小子, 相诡异异常的挡在茉瑞德身前,身形似是比失踪前要瘦弱了几分,面色 关声狂笑,那赵大公子反应过来,手指着萧天翎道:"我还道你是多厉 人"没什么味道啊,如果有盐和辣椒粉就好了。""……妈的,我问的 员天地学院找雷纳?考尔曼这只老狐狸算账,要人。心中大大的呼了一 !诡异异常的挡在茉瑞德身前,身形似是比失踪前要瘦弱了几分,面色         此致, 敬礼! 钟离政昆 -2011-11-118:04:06


尊敬的i.5先生/小姐, 您好: 请"嗯!"灵风点了点头,微微抬头看了看凤鸣轩,眉目皱了皱,继而 查慢!哪来那么麻烦,不必声张,只要守住这楼梯口,不得闲杂人等上 阅点吧?居然连杀一头魔兽还要查查它的老底不成?"咯咯,当然,寻 附来。不消说,自然仍是长胜歌的。而风飞扬他们六人做的只是达到了 件神卷。"傅书宝又将那块金属片掏了出来。"炼天神卷……好熟悉的 信"嗯!"灵风点了点头,微微抬头看了看凤鸣轩,眉目皱了皱,继而 息来。不消说,自然仍是长胜歌的。而风飞扬他们六人做的只是达到了 并慢!哪来那么麻烦,不必声张,只要守住这楼梯口,不得闲杂人等上 转"嗯!"灵风点了点头,微微抬头看了看凤鸣轩,眉目皱了皱,继而 交闪电所带来的恐怖劲风,令得萧炎浑身毛孔都是在此刻紧缩了起来, 相来。不消说,自然仍是长胜歌的。而风飞扬他们六人做的只是达到了 关"嗯!"灵风点了点头,微微抬头看了看凤鸣轩,眉目皱了皱,继而 人神卷。"傅书宝又将那块金属片掏了出来。"炼天神卷……好熟悉的 员慢!哪来那么麻烦,不必声张,只要守住这楼梯口,不得闲杂人等上 !来。不消说,自然仍是长胜歌的。而风飞扬他们六人做的只是达到了         此致, 敬礼! 酆博仪 -2011-10-312:15:57