Harvard is the first university to use Foursquare to help its students explore the campus, the school notes today in its paper. Foursquare has set up a special Harvard page on the site that includes a special logo, and a series of tips. If you follow this special account, you'll be able see and contribute to all the tips for the school involving the various venues on campus.
As part of its goal to expand beyond a simple location-based gaming service among friends, Foursquare has been cutting partnerships left and right. Some of these are for good causes, some are for potential business relationships, and some are just interesting. The latest deal between Harvard and Foursquare, falls into the latter category.
Harvard is the first university to use Foursquare to help its students explore the campus, the school notes today in its paper. Foursquare has set up a special Harvard page on the site that includes a special logo, and a series of tips. If you follow this special account, you’ll be able see and contribute to all the tips for the school involving the various venues on campus.
“We believe that Harvard’s participation will allow our community to engage with friends, professors, and colleagues in new ways. We also hope visitors and neighbors will benefit from the platform as it grows through use,” Harvard’s digital director of communications tells the schools’ paper. The paper explains how students can earn mayor badges by checking-in to venes, and earn points by leaving these tips. Foursquare apparently made a special Harvard Yard badge to mark the partnership. Students that check-in a certain number of places on campus will see it.
Facebook, of course, rose out of Harvard’s campus to become the most popular social network in the world with over 300 million users. It seems Foursquare is trying a similar approach now as well. With usage seemingly exploding right now, it’s probably a good idea. Get em hooked young, as they say. Expect other universities to follow this idea quickly.
[photo: Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer]
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