For years the central question when any new television technology comes out is whether explicit entertainment providers will adopt it. In the case of 3D TV, friends, there's no question: 3D TV is here and its here to stay... but will it be popular? We talked to someone close to the industry, Kathee Brewer, who offered some insight on the future of 3D pr0n.
Kathee is a former editor-in-chief of trade journal AVN Online and a co-founder of irreverent sex, politics and culture site These days she plagues readers and editors across the spectrum with freelance articles about all sorts of useless information but today she sat down with us for in IMterview about the future of 3D in porn - and why it's already a moot point.
CG: So 3D porn. Great or amazing?
Kathee: uh.... How about "Too soon to tell?" There are some really good things about it, and some, frankly, scary things about it.
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