Being a gambling mogul in the internet age is apparently just as dangerous as it was in the mob-infested Casino age: The 36 year-old founder of an online poker site was murdered in his home in Sweden last week.
Andreas Oscarsson was the founder of He reportedly had homes in SoHo as well as in Sweden. He was shot to death in his bedroom on August 3. News reports make the crime sound like a targeted hit on Oscarsson; various theories are being floated (with little concrete support, that we can find), and most of them seem to indicate that this was not a total surprise. From Poker News Daily:
TwoPlusTwo member Loctus, who lives in Sweden, commented, "Police [have] been talking on the radio about it saying that it's quite probably [something] from his past that has caught up to him in this unfortunate way."
Bluff Europe Magazine reports a fantastical-sounding rumor that someone else named "Andreas Oscarsson" was killed last year in what may have been a case of mistaken identity; they also say there are rumblings of enemies:
As of now there are no further details except that police are uncertain of the exact motive, but reports emanating from Sweden suggest 'concrete threats' were made towards Oscarsson, according to friends and colleagues in Stockholm and Gothenburg.
thats right, great post