At this point, they're just baiting us, right? All conservatives do all day is dream up "funny" racist e-mails about the president to send around to their friends in a race to become Keith Olbermann's Worst Person in the World.
This one, which literally features Barack Obama with a bone through his nose, was sent around by David McKalip, a Florida neurosurgeon (!) along with the message, "Funny Stuff." Who is David McKalip?
He's the chair of the Florida Taxpayers Union, the founder of Doctors For Patient Freedom, and anti-health-care-reform group, the president of the Florida Neurological Society, and an all-around anti-government activist who has appeared at events with GOP members of Congress and whose op-eds opposing reform have appeared in the St. Petersburg Times.
He's also a member of the American Medical Association who has been quoted by reporters for the Associated Press, Business Week, the Palm Beach Post, the Tampa Tribune, and the Florida Sun-Sentinel opposing health care reform and taxes.
So next time you're reading the newspaper and you see a quote from some concerned yokel who's the chairman of the Council of Regional Citizens for Honesty and Against Gubment saying, "We oppose Obama's socialist policies," just remember: That person hates black people. It's absolutely 100% safe at this point just to assume it.
And under no circumstances should you ever, ever let a Republican operate on your brain.
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