Spotted by Stuart Dredge over at Mobile Entertainment, the unofficial Google Wave iPhone app seemingly slipped past Apple's usually and notoriously rigorous quality assurance and trademark compliance team and made its way to the App Store (iTunes link - up to you to decide if this is something you want to pay for).

Do a search for Google Wave on the App Store from your iPhone or desktop client, and you’ll see an application called just that pop up, ready to be installed as soon as you fork over $0.99 (or €0.79 in my case).
One caveat: it’s not built, authorized or in any way endorsed by Google.
Spotted by Stuart Dredge over at Mobile Entertainment, the unofficial Google Wave iPhone app seemingly slipped past Apple’s usually and notoriously rigorous quality assurance and trademark compliance team and made its way to the App Store (iTunes link – up to you to decide if this is something you want to pay for).
There, it is the top result for a search on ‘google wave’ right before Waveboard, another iPhone app for the company’s experimental collaboration and communication tool that wasn’t built by Google.
But at least the latter developer didn’t blatantly use its trademarked logo, company and product name.
The Google Wave iPhone app was in fact made by CLapps, a small developer of games for the iPhone and iPod Touch platform.
CLapps – or rather, its sole employee David Crampton – notes in the app’s description: “I have no connection with Google or Google Wave but just supply a means by which to use it on your iPhone”. Somehow, I think the search giant’s lawyers are still going to have some objections to the naming part.
Expect it to disappear from the Store and (maybe) come back under another name in 3, 2, …
PS: while Google hasn’t yet published an official Google Wave iPhone app, simply pointing your browser to works mighty fine.
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