Divvyshot, a startup that makes sharing photos between groups very easy, has just launched an iPhone app to make photo sharing on the go even easier. Divvyshot's web service launched in private alpha in March 2009. Divvyshot still isn't open to the public, but if you download their new iPhone app, you'll be able to sign up for an account.
With the new Divvyshot iPhone app [iTunes link], the service is making it easier then ever to share photos on the go or to another Divvyshot user. Divvyshot already has deep integration with photo services including Flickr, Facebook and Twitter, and now you can upload all your photos from your phone. There's just one catch — you'll have to first manage these accounts from the Divvyshot website before you can use them on your phone.
Divvyshot, a startup that makes sharing photos between groups very easy, has just launched an iPhone app to make photo sharing on the go even easier. Divvyshot’s web service launched in private alpha in March 2009. Divvyshot still isn’t open to the public, but if you download their new iPhone app, you’ll be able to sign up for an account.
With the new Divvyshot iPhone app [iTunes link], the service is making it easier then ever to share photos on the go or to another Divvyshot user. Divvyshot already has deep integration with photo services including Flickr, Facebook and Twitter, and now you can upload all your photos from your phone. There’s just one catch — you’ll have to first manage these accounts from the Divvyshot website before you can use them on your phone.
The iPhone app uses some of the core features of the iPhone, including the accelerometer and the GPS for one of its coolest features: being able to send photos from one iPhone to another, wirelessly. All you have to do is put the two devices together, and shake them, and accept the photo transfer. After that, the photos in the event will start streaming to your iPhone. You’re automatically added to the event so the photos show up in your Divvyshot account on both the app and the web service.
Divvyshot is preparing for some much needed updates to its web client as well, and is also launching an alpha version of its desktop client in the next couple of weeks. The desktop client will sync your photo library on your computer to your Divvyshot account, instantly. Divvyshot was a winter 2009 Y-Combinator company.
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