Today we are excited to introduce a new, beautifully designed, free theme called Vertigo. It makes great use of WordPress post formats. It has a charming, hitchcockian typeface for site and post titles. And it’s dark.
With Vertigo you can set your own accent color for links, which is used in several places throughout the theme, if you don’t feel like red is a good fit for your blog. You can also have a second color of your choice for the site title by using the settings in Appearance → Header.
The theme is inspired by the design work of the late Saul Bass, Art Goodman, and Dave Nagata. Based on the original design by Matthew Buchanan. We hope you like this new theme and start creating incredible blogs with it. As usual, go exploring on the theme showcase.

For many of you, your site isn’t just about communication, it’s about collaboration, too.
We’re taking collaboration and sharing one step further today at by enabling you to embed presentations, documents, forms, spreadsheets, and calendars created with Google Docs and Google Calendar.
We’ve had a lot of users request this functionality from our awesome Happiness Engineers, and we are listening.
To get started sharing Google Docs and Google Calendars, just copy/paste the code provided by Google into a post, page, or text widget, and you’re done!
We’ve created two new Support documents to guide you through this step by step:
Note: if you’re sharing a private (not public) document, the viewer will have to be logged into Google and have permission to access the document.
Get sharing!

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