Someone alert Lou Dobbs! Those terrible Spanish-speakers are taking over our airwaves. Or, NBC is just in the toilet. They averaged a paltry six million viewers last week, bested in 18-34's by the Spanish-language net.
The precipitously low (like, doomsday) six million average was for primetime from March 16th through the 22nd. While NBC did post higher numbers than Univision on average, the 18-34's are really all advertisers care about. So might we expect some more Latino-themed fare on NBC in the coming years? Given that 14% of Americans are Latino, and a lot of those folks seem to be tuning into their TV sets, it would certainly be about damn time.
Or they could just continue on with with whitey-whitebread sitcoms that only a sniggering few be-fashion-lensed hipsters watch. Frankly we'd rather watch the gonzo Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso (Ben Silverman has a plan for that) than another half hour of people smirking at cameras.
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