Is there anything left to the Jim Cramer-Jon Stewart feud? Probably not, but Cramer went on the Today Show to ask for a do-over, claiming his groveling on The Daily Show was just an act.
Meredith Vieira brought up the Stewart interview at the end of a segment on the economy, asking Cramer if Stewart didn't have a point about CNBC's cheerleading coverage of the bubble. "I think it was a naive and misleading thing to attack the media," Cramer replied. "It's just wrongheaded. There are people who bear so much more responsibility."
So why didn't he say that to Stewart? "That was an attempt, as it was throughout the interview, to take a high road, which I was brought up to think was a good thing to do. Sometimes high roads aren't well greeted in the media."
Such a polite boy. Cramer was raised well by his mamma, who also taught him how to make money by feeding bullshit to reporters and how to use his platform on CNBC to attack the CEOs of companies whose stock he has shorted.
Apparently CNBC is still going with the "it's better to be talked about than respected" strategy when it comes to Cramer, because they won't let this thing die. NBC Universal chief Jeff Zucker defended Cramer yesterday, engendering a response from Viacom CEO Philippe Daumann. And now comes Cramer to basically say that he was just humoring Stewart. Like Tucker Carlson, he just can't let it go.
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